Snoopy Dog Heartbeat App For Vets

Snoopy is designed to allow your clients to record dog’s heartbeats from home. It is simple to use and can provide you with a strong recording of the dog’s heart and determine whether there is need for further inspection or monitoring.


Snoopy can also be used as a monitoring tool for dog’s that are already diagnosed with a dog heart murmur or CHF. With basic instruction, your clients can do this remotely from home so you can keep on top of your case load, saving you time, and allowing you to treat and focus on the dogs that really need it.

Share with other professionals

Because Snoopy acts like a digital stethoscope, but also has all the features and functionality of modern iPhones, recordings can be shared remotely with other professionals. Recordings can be stored, with dates and notes. A huge help when trying to go back to analyse recordings and patient history.

Perfect during COVID

In a Covid world Snoopy is ideal to reduce risk to you, your patients and colleagues.

Care at low cost

Snoopy is designed as inexpensive tool to help you and your clients take best care of pet patients. Our intention is to keep the cost low so that as many people as possible can benefit from the app. As such we hope that vets will recommend our app to their clients.